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Corrugated cardboard behind a lightbulb
Corrugated cardboard carton or box


Carbon Trust logo



Putting aside the ethical environmental issues regarding packaging, waste in any form is simply spending more money on something you don’t need and that will ultimately be discarded. All of our constructional designs are created with the inclination to reduce as much waste as is possible. To combat waste you need effective, economical packaging. Sharp Cutters is committed to working with our customers to develop and specify the most efficient product that is fit-for-purpose and we will endeavour to advise our customers with regards to minimum material usage as important criteria.

Our timber is sourced from suppliers who conform to the Forest Stewardship Council and the Program for Endorsed Forest Certification schemes.

We all appreciate the cost of waste, both in environmental terms and direct financial cost. The surplus materials that are created during our design and production processes are segregated and then collected for recycling these include: - metals, paper & board, office consumables & plywood.

Our Energy use;

We are aware of the increasing importance of the efficient use of energy and many improvements were made (and we’re still making) when we moved into our new building in 1999.

Replacement and new equipment is invested in because it can work faster, be more accurate, be more reliable and be more energy efficient.

We regard our energy strategy to be constantly on-going and require vigilance, forethought from all members of our staff. And as such have received verification from the Carbon Trust, with regards to the reduction of our carbon footprint from 89.1 tCO2 e in 2009/2010 to 78.5 tCO2 e in 2010/2011. Together with our ongoing energy reviews we aim to continually reduce our carbon footprint year on year.

Transport; by matching the number and size of products to be delivered in the most efficient vehicle, by careful planning of route and by best scheduling of deliveries and by using third party carriers where this will deliver greater efficiency.


Download Sharp Cutters' Energy Performance Certificate


Sharp Cutters' Energy Performance Certificate